Lockdown 4.0 – Government Support Packages

There have been several support packages announced by the Victorian government as well as one from the Federal government. The following is a short summary of each with the links to the guideline details.


There are 2 categories under this grant:

  1. Businesses that were directly affected by the circuit breaker industry restrictions between 28 May up to and including 3 June 2021 will be eligible for funding of $2,500;
  2. Businesses that remain directly affected by the circuit breaker industry restrictions on and from 4 June 2021 will be eligible for funding of $5,000.

There are strict eligibility criteria, the most important of which are that the business must be registered for GST and be in an eligible industry sector identified in the list of Eligible ANZSIC classes linked to your business ABN. The list of classes can be accessed on the following website: https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/circuit-breaker-business-support-package/business-costs-assistance-program/eligible-anzsic-classes

The basic categories are Non-essential Retail, Hospitality, Tourism, Events and Related Services, Services and Education, Health Care and Social Assistance.

The applications program is now open and will run until the $371 million of allocated funds are exhausted or 11.59pm on Thursday 24  June 2021, whichever is earlier – so get in quick.

You will find the link to the full guidelines and the application on this website: https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/circuit-breaker-business-support-package/business-costs-assistance-program


The $70 million Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021 supports eligible licensed hospitality venues.

Grants of $3,500 for businesses with a premise in regional Victoria and $7,000 for businesses with a premise in metropolitan Melbourne, will be available to eligible liquor licensees operating a restaurant, hotel, café, pub, bar, club, or reception centre that is registered to serve food and alcohol.

  • Eligible liquor licensees with an eLicence email address will receive an email containing their grant application link from Business Victoria from Thursday 3 June 2021.
  • Liquor licensees without an eLicence email address must set one up on their Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation Liquor Portal by 20 June 2021 to receive their grant application link from Business Victoria within five business days.

Applications for a grant can only be submitted through the link emailed by Business Victoria.

You will find the link to the full guidelines on this website: https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/circuit-breaker-business-support-package/licensed-hospitality-venue-fund-2021


There is also a $20 million fund dedicated to supporting operators in the events industry who have incurred losses due to the circuit-breaker restrictions. Unfortunately no information is available at the present moment. It will be available on the following website soon: https://business.vic.gov.au/grants-and-programs/circuit-breaker-business-support-package


The Australian Government has announced a new COVID-19 Disaster Payment for workers who are unable to earn income due to lockdown restrictions of longer than 7 days.

For each week of lockdown you will receive $325 if you’ve lost 20 hours or less of work and $500 if you’ve lost 21 hours or more of work.

Applications can be done using your Centrelink online account through MyGov from Tuesday 8th  June 2021.

You must meet all the following eligibility criteria to receive the payment: –

  • be an Australian resident, permanent resident or eligible working visa holder.
  • live or work in a Commonwealth declared hotspot.
  • be unable to work and earn income because of a state lockdown.
  • be where the lockdown is for more than 7 days.
  • have liquid assets of $10,000 or less.
  • Used up all your leave entitlements (except annual leave) and other pandemic state-based entitlements.
  • You cannot be receiving any other income support, business support or Pandemic Leave Disaster payments.

More information on how to claim will become available on the following website: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/subjects/getting-help-during-coronavirus-covid-19/payments-and-services-during-coronavirus

That is all the information we have at the moment. If you need help with any of the Victorian government grants, please contact us and we will try our best to assist.

Keep safe.

Best regards from all at TEAMWORK ACCOUNTING.

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